Within our organisation everyone has a Role and a Trade…
Being a uniformed organisation, the Rocket Planet maintains a structure. We call these Roles, and each role fulfils an important job to ensure the Rocket Planet can be Here to Help.

Junior Officer
When joining all people become an Junior Officer. Junior Officers are our people on the front line, handing out supplies and engaging directly with the members of the public.

After two years a Junior Officer becomes an Officer. In general Officers and Junior Officers have the same job role, with the promotion showing a level of experience has been gained.

A management position, Supervisors will manage multiple teams of Officers and Junior Officers. Supervisors may also run medium scale programs.

Group Supervisor
Group Supervisors manage operations over a smaller geographical area, such as a town or part of a city. Group Supervisors work with the Regional Supervisor of their Region to deliver operations and work on fundraising.

Regional Supervisor
Regional Supervisors manage operations and fundraising over a wider geographical area, called Regions. Each Region can contain multiple Groups managed by Group Supervisors. Regional Supervisors also sit on the Command Council and are involved in the long term decision making for the organisation.

Executive Lead
Executive Leads manage specific areas of the organisation, such as our food bank work. They coordinate all work in this area, and work with the Director and Trustees to find new ways for the organisation to support those in need.

Whilst Trustees are generally not directly involved in day to day decision making, they work with the Director to develop the long term plan for the Rocket Planet.

The Director is responsible for the whole of the Rocket Planet. They chair the Command and Trustee Council, and develop the long term plans for the organisation. There is only one Director at a time.
On rare occasions, and only with a vote of the Command Council, a person can join the organisation and move straight to a position, rather than starting at Junior Officer.
Each member of our organisation has a unique set of skills, and we want to make sure those skills can be used in the best environment. To ensure the people with the right skills are involved in the right projects, every member of the organisation belongs to a Trade. These are Logistics, Medical and Engineering. Much like everything in the Rocket Planet, these each have their own symbol: